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The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Wastewater Treatment Highlights: Dave B. passed out pictures of the geobag emptying procedure at Claremont. Dave B. reported that the cost of disposal at Claremont had been $1,000.00 and the estimated cost for trucking the same amount of sludge to Concord would have been around $6,270.00. There was some discussion regarding what the actual total cost of the study had been and how much sludge can be disposed of in small bags as opposed to large ones. Aaron S. stated that he feels the small bags are a less efficient way of utilizing the bags and that doing it on concrete slabs would be much better. There was some discussion about contracting someone to take away the sludge and deal with the bags, boxes and all other things involved. Dave B. stated that Frank Grant is coming out to the plant tomorrow to investigate this option and that 3 more bags will be started tomorrow also. There was some discussion regarding the need for engineering to be submitted to the state in order to start a different procedure. Dave B. would like to see some sort of roof over the bags to help keep out rainwater. After some discussion it was decided that Dave B. will draw the sludge out of the digester tank to allow for better monitoring of amounts of sludge put in the bags and allow for better records of money saved by utilizing them. John W. proposed that the state should be asked what would be needed for permission to pour concrete and set up a better site for the bags before and engineering firm is involved. There was discussion regarding the geobag process. Gus S. stated that the cost would be too high for 2006 as far as pouring concrete and all of the other costs for implementing a larger geotube process. Dave B. showed a DVD of the Woodland Road camera procedure, then there was a review of the DVD and discussion regarding the worth of having the video done. Dave B. questioned if the New London Commission had received copies of what A/D Instruments had sent regarding the calibration procedure. New London Commission asked if Dave B. could explain what it showed, he could not. Gus S. feels that it would be prudent to have A/D attend a meeting to explain the report. Gordon S. stated that Ed Rushbrook did not feel comfortable with the report and explained that the weir is complicated for calibration of meters. The Sunapee Commission will ask Ed Rushbrook to attend the July meeting and have him speak with A/D Instruments. Dave B. questioned what to do about the Capital Improvement Study. There was some discussion regarding making a decision on an engineer to do the study. John W. questioned if 2 engineers should be asked to submit a proposal for the CIP. Dave M. made a motion to have Stantec do the Capital Improvement Plan study, seconded by Aaron S., after some discussion Aaron S. withdrew his second, Dave M. withdrew his motion. Dave M. made a motion to have Stantec submit a proposal for the Capital Improvement Plan study and to authorize the Chairman to sign the proposal if it is acceptable, seconded by Aaron S., after some discussion, voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman. Dave B. brought up the fact that the billing issues had not ever been settled and that Sunapee owes New London for 2005 and that New London has not yet paid Sunapee for the last quarter of 2005. There was some discussion regarding number of units and water usage. New London would propose raising the Georges Mills water usage by 20% to account for infiltration. This would bring Sunapee to around 9% of the flow through the Georges Mills pump station. Aaron S. made a motion to approve of utilizing the water use for Georges Mills plus 20% for the payment to New London, seconded by John W., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. There was some discussion about how Sunapee should bill New London. It was decided that Holly L. will bill New London according to the Georges Mills pump station flows utilizing the Georges Mills water use plus 20% for infiltration. New London departed at 6:45. Forms for Signing May 17, 2006 Meeting Minutes: John W. made a motion to approve the minutes as written, seconded by David M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. May 25, 2006 Meeting Minutes: After John W. pointed out a typing error, John W. made a motion to approve the May 25, 2006 minutes as amended, seconded by David M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. There was some discussion regarding FEMA aid and that Sullivan County may not be eligible. May 2006 Sewer Purchase Journal: After some discussion regarding the new truck, John W. made a motion to approve the Sewer Purchase journal for May as submitted, seconded by David M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. May 2006 Water Purchase Journal: John W. made a motion to approve the water purchase journal for May as submitted, seconded by David M., after some discussion, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. QUR 12 Abatement Request: Peter Danis approached the table. Robert H. stated that as he understands, Mr. Danis does not agree with the ordinances. Peter D. stated his reasons for disagreeing with the 2 unit charges for his property and stated that the water use for that account is always well below the minimum for 2 units. Robert H. explained that in order for the billing to be changed the ordinances would first have to be changed. Peter D. questioned the water use charges and how the rates are arrived at. Aaron S. explained the rate setting process and how hard it is to make all users feel that the rates are fair. Aaron S. stated that granting this abatement would be arbitrary and that it would cause many others in similar situations to also request abatements. After some discussion regarding the rates and customer input, John W. made a motion to reject the request for abatement, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. SER 14 Abatement Request: John W. made a motion to approve the abatement, seconded by Aaron S., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. WWR 61 Abatement Request: The request was tabled until the owners issue an explanation of the property changes. JCR 761 Abatement Request: David M. made a motion to approve the abatement, seconded by Aaron S., after some discussion voted 6 in favor, 1 opposed, passes in the majority, so declared by the Chairman. GHR 92 Abatement Request: John W. made a motion to approve the abatement, seconded by David M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. Water Treatment Highlights: Dave Little joined the table and addressed the Commission with a progress report on the Granliden water proposal. Dave L. questioned the use of HDPE and the Commission agrees that Granliden can use the HDPE if they also purchase any equipment needed for possible future repairs of the pipe. There was some discussion regarding the rates that Granliden would pay and how repairs are made on HDPE pipe. Dave L. will submit copies of the plan to the Commission when the engineers have them finalized. John W. questioned if the Granliden Community has yet been presented with a proposal. Dave L. stated that only the board has been involved so far. Dave B. reported that Ed Rushbrook had submitted a report on the Woodland Road pump station and that Ed R. feels that more pressure testing needs to be done to monitor the pump and had some ideas for rebuilding the pump and checking that it is sufficient for that location. There was some discussion regarding what was expected of Ed R. and that the Commission really wanted to see the design parameters for what pump is needed for the situation. Dave B. will contact Ed R. and tell him what was really expected of his appraisal of the pump stations. Dave B. reported that the storage tanks have been cleaned and the concrete tank was inspected and 2 leaks were repaired. John W. questioned if the other tanks were in good shape. Dave B. reported that the Prospect Hill tank were fine and that the steel tank had some small rust spots that may need to be addressed in about 5 or 10 years. Dave B. reported that there had been a water line break in the old line at the safety services building. There was some discussion about the abandonment of the line and moving the other buildings on Sargent Road to the new line. Cross Connection Control Program: Holly L. passed out a draft of a Cross Connection Control Program. Aaron S. would like to see it added to the ordinances as part of them and not as an appendix. The language for revising the ordinance will be reviewed at the next meeting. Robert H. reported that he had spoken to Frank Underwood and had signed the Lake Avenue contract without the liability limit. Underwood has begun the survey work on the project. John W. stated that he will not be at the July meeting. Charles S. questioned if anything has come of the Perkins Pond sewer study. There was some discussion about the study and if it will be ready for presentation in 2006. 8:05 p.m. John W. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Aaron S., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman. Submitted by Holly Leonard. Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2006. _________________________________ __________________________________ Robert Henry, Chairman Tracy Nangeroni, Vice-Chairman _________________________________ __________________________________ Aaron Simpson Charles Smith _________________________________ __________________________________ Helen Charpentier John Wheeler _________________________________ David Montambeault PAGE 3 PAGE 3 Town of Sunapee Water & Sewer Commission June 29, 2006 Minutes HzšN_`~$@`2R %лєvŽцџАШIeх)ъ)ы)z+{++‚+ƒ+„+…+‡+ˆ+‰+++‘+’+“+в+г+д+ж+§ћћћћћћћћћћћћї§№э№ш№эх№э№ш№этхCJCJ0JmH0J j0JU5>*>*50%3HIЭBCyz. Ы НG0N`@2љљљїїђяђїїььххоййййййоййй„@& & F@&„„@&@&$$@& ЦрР!%3HIЭBCyz. 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